Have you ever dreamed of having longer, fuller eyelashes? Have you ever found yourself applying layers of mascara, over and over to get endless lashes? There are several psychological reasons explaining why extensive lashes are seen as an attractive feature; here are 5 of them!
1. Symbol of Health
Not only was Cleopatra working hard on getting dramatic eyelashes, but many ancient Egyptians were focusing on accentuating their eyes. Using kohl and other balms, they were lengthening their lashes not only for beauty purposes, but also to create an extra protective barrier from the sun. Centuries later, in Roman times, long and dark lashes were seen as a sign of chastity. This was because the direct opposite - eyelash loss - was one of the symptoms of syphilis. Overall, healthy lashes meant physical wellness!
2. Symbol of Kindness
Long lashes give the illusion of bigger eyes which generates affectionate and considerate reactions from others. According to several behavioral studies by the American Psychological Association, these features make others see you as a caretaking person. In addition, large eyes are generally a characteristic of babies, which are often perceived as a symbol of honesty, kindness, naivety and warmth.
3. Symbol of Attractiveness
The eyes are the window to the soul - this is perhaps the reason why we all tend to spend so much time trying to enhance them. Boosting the length of your eyelashes creates a natural frame that enhances your eyes. If you desire to let your natural beauty shine all over, working on your lashes is a great place to start!
4. Universal symbol of beauty
No matter where you’re from, there’s a general agreement when it comes to eyelash beauty: the longer, the more beautiful. From Greece to Argentina, long lashes are a global beauty standard and no makeup artist will pass on enhancing them. It’s no surprise that there’s a hype around fake eyelashes, extensions and other magnifying processes, which is getting bigger and bigger all around the world!
5. Symbol of femininity
Eyelash length is seen as a distinctive feature between men and women. Although not biologically proven that women have naturally longer lashes, this affirmation finds truth in a society where women, as opposed to men, are more inclined to wear mascara to enhance their lashes.
Desiring long lashes goes way beyond following recent makeup trends, as it’s been seen throughout history as a symbol of health, kindness, attractiveness, beauty and femininity. You may have come across several solutions to get your dream lashes, but have you ever considered naturally growing them? By applying pure carrier oils, essential oils and vitamins, you’ll get the beautiful lashes you deserve. If you’d like to learn more about effective ingredients, click here. If you’re looking for the eyelash serum blend that will help you get the most out of your lashes, click here.
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